A legend retires, an open love letter to Soccer from Lori Lindsey

Washington Spirit  |   August 14, 2014
A legend retires, an open love letter to Soccer from Lori Lindsey Featured Image

[from Lori Lindsey] 

As I sat at a local coffee shop, reflecting and reminiscing on my soccer career, many memories came flooding in, but one in particular kept coming back. In 2003, my second year playing professional soccer, I picked up a copy of the Washington Post and in it appeared Michael Jordan’s “Open Love Letter To Basketball.” I remember being brought to tears, it wasn’t because an amazing athlete was retiring but the fact that everything he felt toward basketball summed up perfectly the way I felt about soccer. I still have that “open letter” and have often referred back to it whenever I needed a reminder of why I play and why I love this game. So without further ado, here’s my “Open Love Letter To Soccer.”

Read the letter here.


Photo credit Ashley J Palmer

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